Saturday, October 14, 2017

“Practical Magic:” Revisiting the Romantic Victorian That Cast a Spell

Practical Magic Movie Victorian House Featured

Since Halloween is around the corner, I thought it would be fun to revisit one of my favorite movie houses: the romantic Victorian built for the 1998 movie Practical Magic. It’s one of the most-searched-for houses on my site this time of the year, so I know I’m not the only one who loves it!

Director Griffin Dunne hired Robin Standefer and Stephen Alesch of Roman and Williams to design a house that looked like it could be home for generations of witches. After the movie came out, we all flipped for it and wanted to know where the house was.

They say they even got a call from Barbra Streisand, who wanted to buy it. They had to break the news that it had just been an “architectural shell,” with nothing inside, telling her, “It was fictional. And unfortunately, it’s been torn down.”

She’s not the only one who was disappointed to hear that! We’ll always have the movie, though, and these photos of it. Let’s take a look…

orange-line1 (1)

The “Practical Magic” Victorian

White Italianate Victorian Practical Magic Movie

Standefer and Alesch were inspired by both Victorian houses with 19th-century scrollwork and East Coast lighthouses.

white victorian house built for practical magic in WA

The story takes place in New England, but the house was actually built on San Juan Island in Washington (Friday Harbor).

Victorian from Practical Magic Built on San Juan Island

Here’s a photo taken during construction:

building the practical magic movie house

It took them 6 months to build the exterior and create the landscaping and gardens surrounding it.

Practical Magic Victorian house on the water

Practical Magic movie house-white Victorian

Many of the flowers around the house were fakes, just like the house!

Practical Magic Victorian house on the water

Practical Magic Victorian house side garden

Sisters Sally and Gillian lived here with their aunts Frances (Fran) and Bridget (Jet).

Practical Magic Victorian house on the water

The movie was based on a bestselling novel by Alice Hoffman:

Practical Magic novel by Alice Hoffman

There are differences in the book. For one thing, the girls don’t live with their aunts like they do in the movie.

Practical Magic Victorian house on the water

This side porch overlooks the garden and water:

Practical Magic Victorian house on the water

Entry Hall and Staircase:

entry hall and staircase from practical magic movie

The interior sets were all created in a studio in Los Angeles.

front door of Practical Magic house

Alesch and Standefer decorated the sets with treasures they found through architectural salvage.

Practical Magic movie house staircase

The Potions Room:

Evan Rachel Wood in Practical Magic

The props department was tasked with filling hundreds of bottles to put inside these glass-fronted cabinets.

Nicole Kidman and Evan Rachel Wood potions room

The Attic Bedroom:

Practical Magic movie house-attic 1

Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock played sisters Sally and Gillian Owens.

Nicole Kidman Practical Magic Attic Bedroom

Both actresses have starred in other movies with great houses, too, from The Proposal to Bewitched.

Practical Magic movie house-attic 2

The stairs go up from the attic to the lighthouse-like tower.

looking down staircase in Practical Magic house

The Parlor:

parlor set practical magic

Practical Magic parlor 1

They planned an exorcism of sorts in the parlor.

Practical Magic parlor 2

Some of these set photos were featured in a 1998 issue of Victoria Magazine:

behind the scenes of Practical Magic-parlor 1

The author of the novel Alice Hoffman said:

“When I visited the stage set for Practical Magic in Los Angeles, I realized that the set designers had created a complete physical world out of their imagination, just as I had. It was as if we were both novelists.”

spinning wheel practical magic movie set

The Kitchen:

Practical Magic kitchen set 2

“The Aga is almost like a shrine,” production designer Robin Standefer said of the range in the kitchen.

Practical Magic kitchen AGA

“This is the place where they do their work; it’s where they place the cauldron.”

Nicole Kidman Sandra Bullock Practical Magic Kitchen

aidan quinn sandra bullock nicole kidman practical magic

Practical Magic Victorian House

There’s a back stairwell that leads to the kitchen — something I’ve always wanted in a house:

Practical Magic kitchen-back staircase

BTW, a reader designed a kitchen inspired by the one in Practical MagicYou can see it here:

A Kitchen Inspired by the one in "Practical Magic"

Practical Magic kitchen 3

Photos of the kitchen taken during production:

kitchen from practical magic victoria magazine

farmhouse sink in practical magic movie kitchen

There are double doors leading from the kitchen to the conservatory:

Victoria magazine article on Practical Magic 2

The Conservatory:

onservatory doors from practical magic

Practical Magic Victorian House

“The house itself has a certain magic to it,” Standefer says.

overhead view of conservatory in Practical Magic

“There is a whole world in this house and garden.”

ceiling of conservatory in practical magic

“These women are outcasts and this place is their sanctuary.”

conservatory from practical magic

Director Griffin Dunne says he was enchanted by the script when he read it:

“It was literally like a cauldron. Every emotion, theme and ingredient you could imagine was swirling around in it. I particularly liked the women’s use of magic; it comes right from the title. It’s about a more practical, almost holistic approach that seems like a gift that virtually anyone could have.”

Practical Magic Victorian house at night

movie house practical magic at night with witches

Dismantling the “Practical Magic” House After Filming:

taking down the Practical Magic house

A reader named Derek sent me this photo, explaining that the exterior set was built on an old burial ground, so they weren’t allowed to dig there. The entire house was built on a giant platform so the earth wouldn’t be disturbed. In this photo he sent me of it being taken down (above), and you can see that it was “empty” inside.

Practical Magic Victorian wraparound porch

I first featured this house back in 2009 but have been collecting (bigger, better) photos of it since then. Hope you enjoyed this update! BTW, the town they used for Sally’s shop was Coupeville on Whidbey Island in Washington, and they painted many of the storefronts white for filming.

Is this one of your favorite movie houses, too? You can watch the movie to see more of the house here.

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P.S. Visit Houses Onscreen to see more, including The Hand That Rocks the Cradle:

"The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" movie house |

*There are Amazon affiliate links in this post — thanks!

The post “Practical Magic:” Revisiting the Romantic Victorian That Cast a Spell appeared first on Hooked on Houses.

Via Home Improvement

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